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“Love…all your perfect imperfections”
John Legend, “All of Me”  #1 May, 2014

A few days ago, I found some pix that triggered some wonderful memories of Phyllis’ “perfect imperfections”, alongside her idiot husband.  I haven’t stopped laughing yet.  There were times, I would awaken to the cold shoulder, ask why, and hear “because you were mean to me in my dream.”  I’m not making this up.  If you knew us, you were one of the bazillion acquaintances AND strangers who heard the 40-year refrain, “He lost the baby shoes.”  And you’ve undoubtedly also heard that one night, at 3 a.m., while she was pregnant, vomiting in the bathroom, I yelled from bed, “Can’t you throw up a little quieter?”

The first picture had me hysterical.    Ok, everyone knew we seldom saw eye-to-eye.  I know that look better than I know my name.  Phyl’s about to tell me, “I can’t believe you said/didn’t say/ did/didn’t do that.  I can’t believe we’re still married.”

The second is the precise picture I’d so-often see at bedtime, minus one Adam and two other cats.  And yes, I wondered, “Where do I sleep?” too.

The third I just tagged along here because, maybe I’m crazy, but Phyllis’ face, sleepy or asleep, is and always will be the most exquisite sight I have ever, ever seen.

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