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inexplicable #12

1— jody and tracy told me this story on the weekend.  i wear one of phyllis’ beaded bracelets every day.  Because she had such a small wrist, i’d eventually busted the filament wristbands on 4 of the 5. I kept the beads.  The bead people said it was too much work, but dear tracy offered and fixed all 4 fitted to my wrist.  Then, for 3 days, jody and tracy couldn’t find the fixed bracelets to return them to agoura.  Both looked but the bracelets weren’t to be found.   The next night, Jody worked til 2 a.m., when he conked out leaving his work papers in a pile on the table.  The next morning, they awakened to find phyllis’ bracelets on top of the work papers. inexplicable.

2—Theresa, hadn’t read your post til this week, but it’s certainly mind-boggling and, of course, very much appreciated.  Just about the most comforting thing about this hell is the realization that an extremely intelligent someone else shares the inexplicable, the hope, and the possibility that i’ll see phyllis again….even if your friends think you’re wacko.  I have included a few Phyllis-red-v pix that were already on this computer.  The kids know her absolute favorite song in the world (#1 on my ipod, hokey but guaranteed to make me bawl, and the last song we danced to; thank you, ann) is chris deburgh’s ‘lady in red’.   So you and she have done it again.  Thank you.

3—in trying to fix the notification stuff, we hadn’t realized the setting on pbennetmeows was switched to public.  So we just switched it back to private.  If anyone wants to see the public stuff, it’s on phyllis-bennett.com

4–The reasons i skipped posting are a– the difficulty with the video i’ve been trying to make.  For a technoidiot, learning to combine video clips and pix has taken forever   b—wrote another distraught i-miss-her poem, but decided not to post, because the last distraught one bequeathed me a bunch of frantic calls, even from my mom, to prevent the suicide they read into it.

”Never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight,

And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away,

I have never had such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight;

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,Nobody here,Just you & me,

Where I want to be, I’ll never forget the way you look tonight;”  Lady in Redphyl,kids,us 30phyl,kids,us 18mom should 15

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