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mom 102

it would be 75th today.  in Peabody to tell you all about the last 3 years when i couldn’t be here.  and did i ever mention i miss you like crazy and love you to the sky? quintessential mom and most beautiful girl ever?

i wish we had one more dance.  and not in the figurative sense either.  real dance.  slow, you’re head on my shoulder.  or fast, with your only move,  shoulders rocking back and forth with your fingers snapping, no pretense.  Nor rhythm known to man.  so dynamite cute and so you.

If it were a song you knew, you’d kill it.  in the literary sense.  you’d toss back your head and wail away, nowhere near the melody.   Right now i can hear “Brandy, you’re a fine girl, what a good wife you would be.” percolated in one repeating note.  some’d call it shouting.   or “fun, fun, fun, now that daddy took her T-bird away-ay” sounding like the waste management truck at 6 am.  adorable and so Phyllis.

treasure your moments.   i’m treasuring mine.

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