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No way. Way. Hummingbird number 7


This really happened.

Most say time heals.  But those who’ve Lost and said the 2nd year was harder, were right.  Friends and family drift, marital regrets abound, she’s unmentioned, and there’s that fucking incubated realization that Phyllis isn’t coming back.  So

one’s even madder at the world and oneself; punching things and yelling at God, Religion, Destiny, Fate, “if You’re really there.”

Atop all that, mad for months i hadn’t remembered a dream of myphyllis, nor had anything else inexplicable occurred.

So, last Friday, yet another weekend without her, i was yelling at God and

Phyllis, “If You’re really there, give me another damn sign.  You owe it to me.  A dream, another hummingbird, something unmistakable.”

That night, i dreamed a kid threw red paint on the kitties, I brought them to Phyllis who cleaned them up.  Right then, I awakened at 3 a.m. and remembered the dream.  Saturday, there was no sign.  I went to Pete and Tammie’s to watch the Patriots game.  I left before Tammie’s lasagna dinner.  Sunday, Tammie and Pete came by with lasagna.  Tammie said, “Look at the hummingbird nest.”  On the corner of Phyllis glass cat mobile right next to the front door and directly above the distinctive cat on our mailbox is a 2 inch hummingbird nest.

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