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This week, I had to put one of our three cats, little Nosy to sleep.  The vet said she was in pain and kidney failure.  Nosy was Phyllis’ favorite cat ever.  Very small (Phyllis called her ‘petite,’ exaggerating each consonant).  Black, as all Phyl’s cats, but with a white nose.  Beverly called her ‘Boots’, because her feet were also white.  She was kind of like Phyllis.  Gorgeous face.  Big eyes.  Very energetic.  Cute as hell. .Very, very, very loud and brassy.  She didn’t meow, she honked.  Phyl adored her.  “Nosy Knows,” she’d say.  When I left Nosy, I kissed her goodby, and said, “Now you can be with your mommy.”  If it’s one of my days to believe, then i know Phyl will be thrilled to have her back.

i do feel a tiny bit guilty for writing the ‘I hate cats’ story last week.  As a neighbor asked, ‘guilty enough to replace Nosy and get another cat?’  Are you fucking kidding me?  Two to go.

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