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happy valentines day, mybeauty

God, i miss you.


i’ve already posted this card once, but it’s my favorite.  Phyllis often gave me this same valentine.

i was as nonplussed at gift-giving as she was at gift-getting.  She did not like flowers; “they die”.  She’d always say,“Don’t buy me any more jewelry(joolery), because I’ll just lose it.”  She loved chocolate, but would get mad at herself and me afterward.  For years, whatever i bought her would beget a polite, “Oh it’s very nice.”…and, if you knew Phyllis, be secretly returned a week later.  For obvious reasons, here’re three literati bling that scored….

1The Librarian Action Figure….with shushing action

2An original first edition copy, just like the one she had as a child, of Theodore Geisel(Dr. Suess)’s Gerald McBoing Boing

3Frederick the Literate by Charles Wysocki.  It was her fave of the 623,000 works of cat “art?” that adorn our house.  She bought the Frederick the Literate cups, rug, handbag, cards, tzutkes, and even the humongous tapestry of it that hung in her library. IMG_2255IMG_2138

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