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Of the authors, Phyllis was proudest of her correspondence and friendship with Ray Bradbury. (i just now remembered; i’ve never mentioned that Neil Simon wrote her, and she was thrilled, until he’d spelled her name wrong. The nerve!) Mr. Bradbury was a real gentleman and gentle man. I think he really took to Phyl because, as everyone who knew her, she was the same garrulous, unfiltered Phyl, with the custodian as she was with the world-famous author. Mr. Bradbury did not drive, so Phyl had to arrange to have him picked up when he came to her Chatsworth High English class. As she was senior class advisor, running the proms, elections, dances, and events, she also arranged for him to come to the gym and address the whole school one night. I was going to pick him up, but, as you can see by the picture, Adam had a baseball game earlier that evening, and that, was, of course much more important to Adam’s idiot Dad. Phyl was a wee bit upset at her husband for not helping out earlier. No surprise, Mr. Bradbury was terrific. Here’s some stuff i framed last year, after finding a few notes buried in her stuff….IMG_2229 IMG_2237 IMG_2236 IMG_2231 IMG_2227 IMG_2228

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