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Phyllis nearly always fell asleep and arose before me.  She’d say, “I’m a morning person.  You’re not.”  She’d illustrate it by invoking the most notorious of our marriage moments: a moment i do not remember, but she never let me forget.  She was pregnant with our first child Jody.  She was bent over the toilet wretching.  I was in bed sleeping.   i guess i yelled, “Can’t you throw up a little quieter?”

Phyl loved to tell that one.  If you knew Phyllis, you’ve heard that story.   And there are probably a bazillion strangers in supermarket lines, doctors’ waiting rooms, airport lounges, and teacher meetings that have heard it too.

One of the more beautiful tableaux and moments I desperately ache for is bookmarking and closing the open book that was resting on the sleeping chest of the most beautiful girl in the world, and kissing her on the forehead.    Thousands of nights.

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