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Scan 4One of our classic who-knows-Scan 8better’s was the Scan 6Acorn vacationScan 5 Scan 7Scan 3pix.  We have a small, local, weekly newspaper called the Acorn or Agoura Acorn.  Each summer, they’d publish a few pictures of locals reading the Acorn in vacation spots.  Phyl had always wanted to send in a  picture that was chosen.

Of her favorite authors, Phyl knew Ray Bradbury, and met Garrison Keillior, Sue Grafton, Elie Wiesel. and Peter Gethers. Though she’s probably with him now, she couldn’t meet her very favorite, the author of Huckleberry Finn, Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain, for obvious reasons.  So she read books about him, attended plays about him, and we visited his home and resting place.

Phyllis sat in his rocking chair (pic #1) and wanted me to send in her literary Acorn pic (#2).

i. on the other hand, thought, if we sent in something more clever, they’d have to pick us.  So Adam read the Acorn to Mark Twain (pic #3), and, from the grave, Mark Twain read it himself. (pics # 4,5,6).  And those were the ones I sent in.

Of course, Phyl was, as always, right.  The Acorn ingrates chose not to choose my clever photos, “because it’s a family newspaper.”

(As my dad often said, “de gustibus non disputandum est”.  After 4 wasted years of Latin, I  learned that meant “no accounting for taste” or “to each his own”, which, in turn, accounts for 4 wasted years of Latin, pix #3-6, and our 41 years of who-knows-better’s)

Back in the realm of who-knows-better, Phyl had Kris take the Acorn pic when they went to Alaska.  I was not around.  It was published, of course.



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