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Adam was telling the detailed strory ofscenestealer an old movie star hangout in Hollywood, where his shoot had been.  He was cuddling Paige, who was making faces, wiggling, and kicking.  I’d always seen her in a fetal position with her legs scrunched up, so I hadn’t noticed she has a bit of what I used to call “Phyllis’ funny knees”.  Truly, I didn’t hear what Adam was saying; I was telepathing Phyl that  I can’t believe her baby boy (Jody was her “big boy”, Adam her “baby boy”)  was holding his own baby.  And watching Paige doing zumba was so dynamite cute that, just then, amidst Adam’s serious story, I started to laugh.  Jen said Paige’s always the scene stealer.

In the group I attend, people tell of times I’d never had, when they feel the presence of their lost love.  That Paige moment was the first time, in a long time, I’d felt Phyllis was there, watching and laughing with me.

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